My Services

and Programs


My Services and Programs

Individual and Small Group Coaching Programs:

☑️ Betrayal Trauma Recovery Coaching

☑️ Deconstructing Gaslighting Programs

☑️ Post Betrayal Transformation Coaching

☑️ Unleashing Your Power

☑️ Grief Recovery Method Programs

☑️ Help. Her. Heal.

☑️ Couples Empathy Coaching (ERCEM)

☑️ Help Them Heal for Couples Workshop

☑️ Help Them Heal for Couples Signature Program




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Join My Free Betrayal Trauma Community Forum

Betrayal trauma is one of the loneliest and most isolating experiences imaginable.

You don't have to go through this alone. You can find hope and healing.

Healing Happens

in Community 


Healing Happens in Community

Read My Reviews!

I love REVIEWS! They are proof that WOMEN JUST LIKE YOU

are getting the HEALING they need and RECLAIMING THEIR LIVES.












What My Clients are Saying

"One day you will tell YOUR STORY of how you've overcome what you went through,

and it will become part of SOMEONE ELSE'S SURVIVAL GUIDE."

– Brene Brown

I help women HEAL from the TRAUMA and GRIEF of INFIDELITY or BETRAYAL due to a partner's pornography addiction, sexual addiction or other sexually compulsive behaviors.

I help women HEAL from the TRAUMA and GRIEF of INFIDELITY or BETRAYAL

due to a partner's pornography addiction, sexual addiction or other sexually compulsive behaviors.

©Copyright 2023 Sherri Courtney Coaching


Certified Post Betrayal Transformation Coach

Certified Deconstructing Gaslighting Specialist

Certified Grief Recovery Method Specialist

ERCEM • Help Her Heal • Help Them Heal • Unleashing Your Power

Sherri Courtney

 773 671 1680