Sherri has been the saving grace for me during the last 15 months of my life. I really don’t know what might have happened to me if I hadn’t found her to help me through the most difficult time in my life. Sherri is able to empathize with her clients because of her own experiences. It makes such a difference to be able to get support from someone that has actually experienced the heartache that you feel. I’ve had a few other counselors as well, and all of them have been great, but Sherri has definitely been the most important person that’s walked with me along this journey. All of her advice has been on the mark, and she is extremely knowledgeable. She is wise and compassionate, and that combination has been a life saver for me.


Sherri has been the saving grace for me during the last 15 months of my life. I really don’t know what might have happened to me if I hadn’t found her to help me through the most difficult time in my life. Sherri is able to empathize with her clients because of her own experiences. It makes such a difference to be able to get support from someone that has actually experienced the heartache that you feel. I’ve had a few other counselors as well, and all of them have been great, but Sherri has definitely been the most important person that’s walked with me along this journey. All of her advice has been on the mark, and she is extremely knowledgeable. She is wise and compassionate, and that combination has been a life saver for me.

— Heather W., California

Sherri has been the saving grace for me during the last 15 months of my life. I really don’t know what might have happened to me if I hadn’t found her to help me through the most difficult time in my life. Sherri is able to empathize with her clients because of her own experiences. It makes such a difference to be able to get support from someone that has actually experienced the heartache that you feel. I’ve had a few other counselors as well, and all of them have been great, but Sherri has definitely been the most important person that’s walked with me along this journey. All of her advice has been on the mark, and she is extremely knowledgeable. She is wise and compassionate, and that combination has been a life saver for me.

— Heather W., California

I love reviews. They are proof that WOMEN JUST LIKE YOU are

getting the HEALING they need and RECLAIMING THEIR LIVES.

What my Clients are Saying...

What my Clients are Saying...

I love reviews. They are proof that WOMEN JUST LIKE YOU

are getting the HEALING they need and RECLAIMING THEIR LIVES.

What my Clients are Saying...

I love reviews. They are proof that WOMEN JUST LIKE YOU

are getting the HEALING they need and RECLAIMING THEIR LIVES.

What my Clients are Saying...



I have been in a group and have been coached by Sherri for about 16 months. She has made a profound difference in my journey, especially early on when I was in such a terrible state. I had such amazing support from her. She gets what betrayal trauma feels like and understands what is needed to heal. I have learned so much about good solid boundaries and just knowing that I will be ok no matter what happens in my marriage. Sherri doesn't ever tell you what to do but does help you process it so well. She is a great listener and is very capable of finding resources that are so helpful. She is very committed to her work and her kindness, compassion and love for me was very evident. I would highly encourage others to enter into coaching with Sherri to get to the next step in your healing journey as well as learning so much about betrayal trauma and what to expect.


Sherri is an amazing coach. She was easy to open up to and to discuss personal issues with. In particular, she helped me understand aspects of my betrayal, trauma and the PTSD associated with the trauma. She is professional, very experienced, focused and able to provide you with the correct answers or tools for solving issues at the right moment. She's a patient listener and our sessions together were extremely helpful. Her thoughtful and objective guidance helped me regain my confidence at one of the lowest periods of my life. I highly recommend Sherri as a professional and effective coach.


Saying Sherri is an absolutely amazing coach is an understatement. Her empathetic experienced nature, heartfelt care and concern has given me so much strength in the healing process from betrayal trauma caused by a thirty year marriage. She goes above and beyond the mark to help mend broken hearts by providing tools, techniques and a fresh view in changing a narrowed thought process. I truly am grateful for having the privilege of meeting such a genuine coach and confidant. In less than eight months, I have seen remarkable improvements in my healing, self confidence and a whole new motivation to pursue my own personal growth. Thank you, Sherri. (S.h.e.r.r.i... S=strength,

H=healing, E=empathy, R=resilience, R=recovery, I=integrity)

— L.R.

My coach Sherri Courtney has been wonderful to me as I've been navigating the devastating effects of betrayal trauma. When I reach out to her she is wonderful and validating. She is kind with her words and understanding of what I am going through. If I have a question or would like some information about specific topics she responds quickly

with wonderful articles, podcasts, or videos to help me understand or to again validate what I'm feeling. She has been wonderful about educating me about sex addiction, betrayal trauma, and the ugly feelings that go along with these things. She has helped me find my voice and is supportive and dedicated to helping me find my self love and confidence again. When I feel I have no fight left in me to keep going her encouraging words help me to dust myself off, and to keep moving forward on my healing journey. She has been such a blessing to me during all of this, and I can't thank her enough for the guidance and support during this very difficult time.


Working with Sherri has been such a blessing to me these past 2 months. She is wise, nurturing, and so encouraging. She has helped me learn to trust my intuition and regain trust in myself again. She truly and genuinely cares about each individual she works with and is available and responsive whenever I've needed guidance. She shares hope, strength, and love regularly with her clients that helps us continue the journey into

healing from betrayal trauma. I believe anyone would be so helped by having her on their support team.


Sherri has been my coach for several months now. As a coach she is attentive, caring and supportive. For the first time in my 7 year journey through betrayal trauma I feel I have found a safe place with Sherri. I believe she truly cares about her clients and their well-being. She is an empathetic listener who respects my thoughts and feelings. Through our work together she has equipped me with the tools I need to heal and has guided me towards a clear path for my healing. Each day I am regaining my confidence and my strength. I owe much of this to Sherri’s guidance and support. For this, I will be forever grateful.

— R.D.

Thank you. You are absolutely amazing at what you do...

all while healing from your own trauma.

You deserve great things in life!!


I cant thank you enough for all of your support and guidance through this. The validation you have given to me and understanding of what I'm going through has been absolutely AMAZING during this absolutely HORRIFIC time.

I hope you truly know that this was your calling.

Like you said, this situation you were put in can't be

for nothing, and it hasn't been. Thank you.


I am so grateful to have had Sherri Courtney as my coach during the worst time of my life. I have benefited so much from her wisdom and support and now feel ready and empowered to move on to a better life. She is deeply compassionate and truly understands what you are going through, having been there herself. She goes out of her way to be available and helpful. Sherri also has the knowledge to help clients understand and heal from their crises, trauma, pain, and grief. She has infinite patience and is able to meet clients where they are at and move forward at a pace and in a way that is comfortable for them. I highly recommend her.


From the moment I first interacted with Sherri for

coaching I noticed she is very kind and passionate about helping with the pain of betrayal as she knows first hand what the pain is all about. She also has a wealth of knowledge and resources to offer about sex addiction/ betrayal trauma. I would definitely encourage you

to go to her for all your coaching needs.


Sherri has been the saving grace for me during the last 15 months of my life. I really don’t know what might have happened to me if I hadn’t found her to help me through the most difficult time in my life. Sherri is able to empathize with her clients because of her own experiences. It makes such a difference to be able to get support from someone that has actually experienced the heartache that you feel. I’ve had a few other counselors as well, and all of them have been great, but Sherri has definitely been the most important person that’s walked with me along this journey. All of her advice has been on the mark, and she is extremely knowledgeable. She is wise and compassionate, and that combination has been a life saver for me.


The day I learned my husband was a sex addict, I felt like my entire world had just collapsed. It felt as though I was standing in the middle of a house, the walls and floor all crumbling around me. I was standing in a pile of wreckage and couldn’t begin to assess the damage and grief I was feeling. I felt hopeless. I found a team that would help me on my path to recovery from betrayal trauma, one of them being my coach, Sherri. Recovery from betrayal trauma is the hardest journey I have ever taken, but Sherri was right there with me every step of the way. She guided me with compassion and empathy. She is a wealth of resources and knowledge about betrayal trauma, anxiety, PTSD, and addiction. She is a rockstar when it comes to boundaries and self care. She helped me find my way out of the wreckage and make sense of the grief. With Sherri walking alongside me as my coach, I found a path to healing from one of the most devastating events of my life. I can’t thank her enough.


"Sherri has been the saving grace for me during the last 15 months of my life. I really don’t know what might have happened to me if I hadn’t found her to help me through the most difficult time in my life. Sherri is able to empathize with her clients because of her own experiences. It makes such a difference to be able to get support from someone that has actually experienced the heartache that you feel. I’ve had a few other counselors as well, and all of them have been great, but Sherri has definitely been the most important person that’s walked with me along this journey. All of her advice has been on the mark, and she is extremely knowledgeable. She is wise and compassionate, and that combination has been a life saver for me."

— Heather W., California

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"One day you will tell YOUR STORY of how you've overcome what you went through,

and it will become part of SOMEONE ELSE'S SURVIVAL GUIDE."

– Brene Brown

I help women HEAL from the TRAUMA and GRIEF of INFIDELITY or BETRAYAL due to a partner's pornography addiction, sexual addiction or other sexually compulsive behaviors.

I help women HEAL from the TRAUMA and GRIEF of INFIDELITY or BETRAYAL

due to a partner's pornography addiction, sexual addiction or other sexually compulsive behaviors.

©Copyright 2023 Sherri Courtney Coaching


Certified Post Betrayal Transformation Coach

Certified Deconstructing Gaslighting Specialist

Certified Grief Recovery Method Specialist

ERCEM • Help Her Heal • Help Them Heal • Unleashing Your Power

Sherri Courtney

 773 671 1680